
My Billy is a fantastic writer. I was there when he wrote his first book at six years old, The Magic Squirrel That Ate Pepperoni Pizza. To be honest, I don't think he's written anything that comes close to that. Sure, this advertising thing is cute and all, but nothing compares to his original work. I still have the squirrel book and I show it to all my friends at the community center. I'm very proud. He's also very handsome. Please hire him so I don't have to worry if he's happy or not. — Bill's Mom

Bill's an amazing copywriter. I love his portfolio. And he has a great work ethic and strong written communication skills. If hired, I would trust him to come up with the best advertising campaigns in the history of advertising. — Bill Narduccy (no relation)

I wish Bill became a lawyer instead of this copywriting nonsense. Trust me, I do like his ads, but I really don't get this generation's need to be creative. I had four kids by the time I was his age. But I guess he's creative. — Bill's Dad

Please hire my boyfriend. If he had more money, perhaps he’d take me out to eat at places other than the Costco food court. — Bill's Girlfriend

Bill is one of the greatest writers our nation has ever produced. His style impresses and moves me. His gift knows no bounds. — Ernest Hemingway (Note: not THE Ernest Hemingway, rather an insurance adjuster from Bowling Green, Ohio)

I guess Bill would be good at copywriting. And if you hire him, he can pay back all the money’s he’s borrowed from me. — Bill's Sister

I gave him a C- on his book report on A Separate Peace. I guess his ads are smart and witty, if you're into that kind of thing. — Bill's 9th Grade English Teacher

Bill is by far the best adverting copywriter alive today. I mean that 10000 percent. Trust me. If you need great copy, Bill is your guy! — Todd Canterbury, Owner, Great Reviews R Us